The best Johannes Arpe’s movies

Johannes Arpe

Johannes Arpe

28/07/1897- 03/10/1962
Today we present the best Johannes Arpe’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Johannes Arpe’s movies.

Ernst Thälmann - Sohn seiner Klasse

Ernst Thälmann - Sohn seiner Klasse
First of two propaganda films about German communist leader Ernst Thälmann that follows him from the Western Front in 1918 through the Hamburg Uprising of 1923.


  • Genre: CrimeDrama
  • Release: 14/03/1963
  • Character: Inspektor Benson
At the beginning of the 1960s, a German turns up on behalf of the NATO in the British village of Rocksmouth. NATO wants to establish a naval base in Rocksmouth, but first, the German envoy has to salvage an old ship wreck. In 1942, the "Princess of India" was supposed to bring children to safety in Canada but was sunk by a German submarine at departure. 58 people were killed, most of them children. Diver Bill Smith is one of the survivors of the catastrophe. Although he just got engaged to Bessy who wants to leave this dark chapter behind her Bill starts to investigate. He finds out that the German envoy is Eberhard Wedel, the captain of the submarine that torpedoed the "Princess of India". Soon after, Wedel is found dead in the lake. Now, a trial is set up to find out if Bill is the responsible for Wedel’s death.

Einmal ist keinmal

Einmal ist keinmal
  • Genre: ComedyMusic
  • Release: 25/03/1955
  • Character: Arzt
Actually, the Düsseldorf musician and composer Peter Weselin only wanted to spend his placid vacation with his uncle in the Vogtland village of Klingenthal. But in the city famous for its manufacture of musical instruments, the annual music festival is about to start. For the festival, the accordion factory asks Peter for a large composition for the symphonic orchestra. Furthermore, cute Anna asks him to write a pop song for her youth dance band. Thus, Peter finds no rest during his vacation.

Jahrgang 21

Jahrgang 21
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 28/02/1958
  • Character: Oberarzt
Film by Václav Gajer.

Hochmut kommt vor dem Knall

Hochmut kommt vor dem Knall
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 30/06/1960
  • Character: Oskar Müller

Carola Lamberti

Carola Lamberti
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 30/11/1954
  • Character: Stegemann
Carola has been running the family-owned circus alone since her husband’s death, but she suddenly finds herself at odds with her three adult sons who are also performance artists and want to have a say in how the business is run. The family discord leads Carola to turn her back on the circus, leaving the three inexperienced sons in charge. This turn of events forces the family to learn to work together or face bankruptcy.

The Moon and Other Lovers

The Moon and Other Lovers
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 24/07/2008
  • Character: Personenschützer
Der Mond und andere Liebhaber narrates the story of Hanna, a woman who will not take lifes set-backs and knock-downs sitting down. Instead, she takes them in her stride, picks herself up and marches onward. This is a woman who continually draws new courage from her inexhaustible will to live. Whatever losses and uncertainties come her way, she remains true to herself.

Senta auf Abwegen

Senta auf Abwegen
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 16/07/1959
  • Character: Emil Schwennicke

Secret Archives on Elbe

Secret Archives on Elbe
  • Genre: AdventureWar
  • Release: 18/04/1963
  • Character: Kümetz
The World War II. 1944. Nazis staged a cache which stores archival documents of its agents, rescued from the east during the retreat, near a small German town Ostburga.

Geheimakten Solvay

Geheimakten Solvay
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 23/01/1953
  • Character: Walter Schramm

Brüder II

Brüder II
  • Release: 22/11/2003


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 12/06/1959
A sociohistorical drama about the construction of the Simplon-tunnel: A conflict develops when German workers want to strike and fight for better working conditions while Italian workers simply want to earn money and provide for their families.

Kapitäne bleiben an Bord

Kapitäne bleiben an Bord
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Release: 27/02/1959
  • Character: Hannes Tiedeböhl

Das Fräulein von Scuderi

Das Fräulein von Scuderi
  • Genre: CrimeDrama
  • Release: 28/07/1955
  • Character: Louvois
Several men have been murdered lately, mostly rich lovers on their way to meet their mistresses with gifts of fine jewelry. To fight this scourge, King Louis XIV decides to create a special court named "La chambre ardente", designed to find and punish the perpetrators of such heinous crimes. An unexpected person, Mademoiselle de Scudéry, the famous poetess, will find herself entangled in the web of a criminal intrigue linked with the jewel murders, along with a a goldsmith, his daughter and her fiancé...

Mord ohne Sühne

Mord ohne Sühne
  • Genre: CrimeDrama
  • Release: 27/06/1962
  • Character: Von Pätow

Seilergasse 8

Seilergasse 8
  • Genre: CrimeDrama
  • Release: 11/08/1960
  • Character: Professor Horn

Der Prozeß wird vertagt

Der Prozeß wird vertagt
  • Genre: CrimeDrama
  • Release: 25/09/1958
  • Character: Sir Bevall

Mord an Rathenau

Mord an Rathenau
  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 23/11/1961
  • Character: Dr. Bergmann

Revue um Mitternacht

Revue um Mitternacht
  • Genre: ComedyMusic
  • Release: 06/07/1962
  • Character: Produktionsleiter Otto Kruse
Despite the fact that production manager Kruse doesn't have the actors or the crew for the job, he recklessly boasts that he could direct a revue film. To prevent him losing face, Kruse brings together four people - a dramaturg, a composer, a writer and an architect - and gives them the thankless task of turning his idea into a film. Except for the relatively unknown composer Alexander Ritter, who is enthusiastically committed to the project, the other members of the team find themselves stuck in this mess.

Der Teufel vom Mühlenberg

Der Teufel vom Mühlenberg
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Release: 06/04/1955
  • Character: Schmied Anselm
This film is set in a medieval mill town in the Harz mountains. The greedy and brutal millman and his accomplices, the castle steward and the mayor, set fire to a forest mill that the farmers used for processing their grain. Without their mill, the farmers must now rely on the millman's services. When the farmhand Anna uncovers the millman’s crimes, he swiftly detains her and a young miller, Jörg. The forest spirits have a different plan, however, and they free the young couple with the charge to rebuild the ruined forest mill and turn things around for the villagers.

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