The best Iossif Surchadzhiev’s movies

Iossif Surchadzhiev

Iossif Surchadzhiev

02/05/1945 (79 años)
If you love cinema, you will share this ranking of the best Iossif Surchadzhiev’s movies, although you may have ordered them differently. In any case, we hope you love it and with a little luck discovering a movie that you still don’t know about Iossif Surchadzhiev.

Women Do Cry

Women Do Cry
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 07/07/2021
A mother stork is shot down from a chimney. A postnatal woman nearly jumps off a balcony. A girl contracts HIV from an adulterous partner. A woman applies make-up to two kittens. A mother looks for magic in the lunar calendar. These events are commonplace for this seemingly normal family, revealing the fine line they live between fragility and absurdity. In the meantime, their country Bulgaria is shaken up by anti-gender and anti-equality protests with an undercurrent of violence. These women are united by a shared trauma, but now they are ready to confront their father’s troubling past.

Wrathful Journey

Wrathful Journey
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 23/04/1971
  • Character: Chavdar
Chavdar gets a degree in geology. He wishes to pursue a scientific carrier, but his father decides that his son should practice his profession in a rich of mineral Rhodopa Mountain. Chavdar meets geologists and locals who love their profession and the region. Here he finds true love with Vanya, a girl born and raised in the mountain. She is a part time geologist student and dreams of finding new ore sources. Chavdar has to leave, and he bids farewell to his friends, certain that one day he will come back to continue his search.


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 19/04/1974
  • Character: The Poet
The days of antifascist fight are over. In an orphanage for gifted children lives Milcho. The music helps him to escape from the real world to the world of memories. He remembers the days that the police officer arrested his mother for hiding a fugitive. A bright mark has left people that Milcho met, looking for his mother: the good old musician, the gypsy Shukri - raw natural talent, the beautiful Mila, and the Poet. They help Milcho to live through his pain. A piano concert of Brahms is playing by the young artist.

Khan Asparukh - Part II - The Migration

Khan Asparukh - Part II - The Migration
  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 18/10/1981
  • Character: Constantine IV
This is an epic screen presentation showing the creation, the consolidation and the power of First Bulgarian Kingdom and the first Bulgarian ruler Khan Asparuh. The second part of the great historical epic - "The Migration" - tells about the long journey to the land of the Bulgarians of today's Bulgaria. Here the young Khan Asparukh laid the foundations of the new state. The authors adhere to the established historical versions for this event. The film builds on the impressive mass scenes and the convincing served psychological characteristics of the main characters. The image of Asparoukh is a natural center of the story, in which many minor persons recreate the environment of the Khan. Romantic exalted, Asparukh is shown as capable leader of the people, consistently implement his own ideas.

Khan Asparukh - Part III - Land Forever

Khan Asparukh - Part III - Land Forever
  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 18/10/1981
  • Character: Constantine IV
The last part of the epic "Khan Asparukh" - "Land Forever" is an impressive finish to scale narrative, created for the nationwide celebration of 13 century anniversary of the Bulgarian state. The authors collected in final chord all storylines, culminating in the political strengthening of the young Bulgarian state. In the center of the film epic again is the image of Khan Asparukh - a lofty romantic hero who embodies the virtues and energy of his people.

Tail Wind

Tail Wind
The kid Kolyo dreams of traveling. One day he meets Bim-Bam who introduces himself as a writer and great traveler. The two build a cabin in a vineyard and live there. They meet different people; start working in the quarry. Time passes. One day someone tells Kolyo that Bim-Bam is no writer. He has stolen the furniture from a local community center. Bim Bam was gone. Kolyo leaves for home, trying to call Bim-Bam with their secret signal.

Time of Violence

Time of Violence
  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 28/03/1988
  • Character: Karaibrahim
In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy is sent to force the reluctant inhabitants to convert. The Turkish governor seeks a peaceful solution, but ultimately torture, violence, and rebellion break out.

Khan Asparukh - Part I - Phanagoria

Khan Asparukh - Part I - Phanagoria
This is an epic screen presentation showing the creation, the consolidation and the power of First Bulgarian Kingdom and the first Bulgarian ruler Khan Asparuh. This is the first part of the film trilogy about the events before the creation of the Bulgarian state in the middle of the VII century. Volga Bulgaria is straining under the attacks of the Khazars. Following the testament of his father, the sons of Khan Kubrat looking for a new home for their tribes. The youngest of them - Asparukh, wander 20 years in search of "land forever" for his people and reaches the mouth of the Danube. The film is narrated by captured Byzantine chronicler Belisarius, which should Asparukh in his journeys. Byzantine witnessed the heroic efforts of the Bulgarians to win the land south of the Danube and to create their new country.

The Third Person

The Third Person
  • Genre: Crime
  • Release: 17/10/1973
  • Character: Dr. Savov
A Bulgarian crime movie


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 10/06/2005
  • Character: Anarchist
Two trains uncontrollably move towards each other within temporal boundaries of a human life. One of them is taking a genial young man to his unforeseen future; he would marry his beloved; have a son; become a brilliant doctor; do his duty and save the live of enemies of the communist regime; get a 20-years sentence for that. Prison would turn out to be an unbearable nightmare; his wife would eventually give in to the tortures of the authorities and seek divorce; this would mean no one to visit him in prison. 15 years without any news about his child, only a snapshot of his family on which the tree of them are smiling and happy.


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 16/11/1973
  • Character: Иван Великин
The beginning of the 20th century. The young Nona comes back to her father's farm from Switzerland. She meets colonel Galchev. The officer expresses his love for her. The teacher Yosif who is in love with Nona organizes a revolt of the villagers with no property. Armed villagers rob the farm. Galchev and his soldiers arrive. During the shooting, the colonel is killed. Nona accuses Yosif of Galchev's death. The carriage of Nona's fiancé, who travels from Switzerland to the village, passes by the coffin with Galchev's body. A second after the fiancé enters her house Nona kills herself.

Typhoons with Gentle Names

Typhoons with Gentle Names
  • Genre: Crime
  • Release: 23/07/1979
  • Character: Boyan
The Bulgarian intelligence officer Emil Boev is residing in Bern, close to Bulgarian political emigrant Goranov. The Swiss and German women Rosemary and Flora are interested in him. Goranov is killed. Boev searches his apartment and finds few fake diamonds and the list of the spies in Bulgaria. Boev and the boss of a foreign intelligence service Benton are stuck in a bunker together. At the decisive moment, Flora appears and Boev manages to get away with the list of the spies. Boev is on the way to Bulgaria.

Bonne Chance, Inspector!

Bonne Chance, Inspector!
  • Genre: ComedyCrime
  • Release: 02/05/1983
  • Character: Velizar Karadushev
The local community of a provincial town is shaken by a bank robbery. A funny inspector is sent to investigate the case.

Right to Choose

Right to Choose
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 22/05/1989
A Bulgarian drama

Infernal Weapon

Infernal Weapon
A knight is tasked with finding a mystical weapon.

Where Are You Going?

Where Are You Going?
  • Release: 26/03/1986
  • Character: Strezov
In this comedy, a mathematician is so bored and burnt-out with his career that he rebels, first by crawling under a table during an interminable faculty meeting and then by throwing his telephone away, locking his wife out of their apartment, and running off on his own. At this point, the comedy takes a turn when the rebellious mathematician follows a strange wheel and meets a goatherd who shelters him in his humble abode. Events change from a bit odd to totally bizarre as the mathematician continues on his journey of escape.

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