The best Inácio Araújo’s movies

Inácio Araújo

Inácio Araújo

Today we present the best Inácio Araújo’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Inácio Araújo’s movies.

Buccaneer Soul

Buccaneer Soul
50 years of Brazilian history seen from the point of view of a friendship among two intellectuals.

Antropofagia Marginal

Antropofagia Marginal

Candeias: Da Boca pra Fora

Candeias: Da Boca pra Fora

A Vermelha Luz do Bandido

A Vermelha Luz do Bandido
Experimental documentary short that debates over Rogério Sganzerla's Brazilian cult classic "The Red Light Bandit".

O Insigne-Ficante

O Insigne-Ficante
  • Release: 01/01/1980
A travelogue film using Pound's concept of invention as a starting point.

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