The best Zulfa Maharani’s drama movies

Zulfa Maharani

Zulfa Maharani

Today we present the best Zulfa Maharani’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Zulfa Maharani’s movies.

Dilan 1990

Dilan 1990
At a Bandung high school, charming and rebellious Dilan vies for the affections of shy new student Milea.

Glorious Days

Glorious Days
Because of an incident when they were in high school, members of the Bebas Gang were forced to separate. 23 years later, one of them is seriously ill and hopes to meet again one last time.

Dilan 1991

Dilan 1991
Dilan's involvement in the motorbike gang imperils his relationship with Milea, whose distant relative returns from Belgium.


Years after his teen romance with Milea, a now-adult Dilan tells his version of their love story when a high school reunion brings them back together.

R: King, Queen & Secrets

R: King, Queen & Secrets
A student grieving the loss of her parents joins an extracurricular club and becomes entangled in a romance with a classmate who has secrets.

Balada Si Roy

Balada Si Roy
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 23/09/2021
  • Character: Wiwik
Adapted from the legendary novel by Gol A Gong.

The Fabulous Udin

The Fabulous Udin
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 12/05/2016
  • Character: Inong
Udin and his friends, Jeki, Ucup, and Inong welcome the new girl, Suri, who suffers from brain cancer. Together they solved various problems ranging from bullying, suicide attempts, and mental stress.

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