The best Yuka Tokumitsu’s animation movies on Apple iTunes

Yuka Tokumitsu

Yuka Tokumitsu

Today we present the best Yuka Tokumitsu’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Yuka Tokumitsu’s movies.

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Tai is now a university student, living alone, working hard at school, and working every day, but with his future still undecided. Meanwhile, Matt and others continue to work on Digimon incidents and activities that help people with their partner Digimon. When an unprecedented phenomenon occurs, the DigiDestined discover that when they grow up, their relationship with their partner Digimon will come closer to an end. As a countdown timer activates on the Digivice, they realize that the more they fight with their partner Digimon, the faster their bond breaks. Will they fight for others and lose their partner? The time to choose and decide is approaching fast. There is a short time before “chosen children” will become adults. This is the last adventure of Tai and Agumon.

Digimon Adventure tri. Part 1: Reunion

Digimon Adventure tri. Part 1: Reunion
After years of inactivity, the DigiDestined regroup with their Digimon to save their world, but have the years changed their characters too much?

Digimon Adventure tri. Part 3: Confession

Digimon Adventure tri. Part 3: Confession
After seeing Meicoomon's abrupt transformation and killing of Leomon, Agumon and the other Digimon are kept isolated in Koushiro's office in order to prevent them from infection, but signs of infection begin to appear in Patamon.

Digimon Adventure tri. Part 2: Determination

Digimon Adventure tri. Part 2: Determination
The DigiDestined go to a nearby hot springs theme park and everyone has a good time, but Joe doesn't show up because he wants to study for his exams. Another infected Digimon, Ogremon, attacks Odaiba. Gomamon runs away from home while Mimi faces problems with the other DigiDestined and her classmates because of her selfish ideas.

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