The best Vladimir Kozel’s movies

Vladimir Kozel

Vladimir Kozel

14/07/1919- 31/12/1988
Today we present the best Vladimir Kozel’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Vladimir Kozel’s movies.

Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva

Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva
Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva

Тройная проверка

Тройная проверка
  • Genre: War
  • Release: 26/11/1969

Инженер Графтио

Инженер Графтио

Land, Poste Restante

Land, Poste Restante
  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 26/03/1973
  • Character: restaurant owner
Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...

Руины стреляют...

Руины стреляют...

When Rain and Wind Hit Against Your Window

When Rain and Wind Hit Against Your Window
The World War II has just ended. Attempt to turn "Forest Brothers" into a serious resistance movement fails.

Идущие за горизонт

Идущие за горизонт


  • Genre: DramaWar
  • Release: 06/06/1974
  • Character: Gorbunov
A story about an events occurred in Belarus in 1944 during the WWII.

Extraordinary Commissar

Extraordinary Commissar
Extraordinary Commissar Pyotr Kobozev arrives in Soviet Turkestan on Lenin's personal order. He will have to quickly and accurately understand the situation and take appropriate measures against the counter-revolutionaries.

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