The best Ülkü Duru’s movies

Ülkü Duru

Ülkü Duru

Today we present the best Ülkü Duru’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Ülkü Duru’s movies.
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My Travel Buddy 2

My Travel Buddy 2
  • Genre: ComedyFamily
  • Release: 12/10/2018
  • Character: Gülümser
The sequel to Yol Arkadasim from 2017. Onur and Seref have become both housemates and colleagues within a year. Seref is not successful in managing the song career of Onur.

Bygones Be Bygones

Bygones Be Bygones
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 19/01/2017
A mother's plan to find her bachelor son a match derails when a new prospect turns up and sinister schemes unfold.

Have You Ever Seen Fireflies?

Have You Ever Seen Fireflies?
Rebellious, irreverent wunderkind Gülseren navigates loneliness, love and loss against the current of political turmoil and social change.

Block C

Block C
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 26/08/1994
  • Character: Fatoş
Tulay, a restless woman whose marriage is slowly disintegrating sets out to come to terms with various traumas while continually being watched by Halit, a resident in her apartment complex.

Dört Köşeli Üçgen

Dört Köşeli Üçgen
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 27/07/2018

Hayalet Dayı

Hayalet Dayı
  • Release: 29/05/2015
  • Character: Saadet

Happy New Year London

Happy New Year London
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 28/12/2007
  • Character: Yaşar Nur
What if the unexpected becomes your faith? Would you lay claim to it and stay or would you run away? International Performer Yasar Nur has arrived in London the night before her concert and a few days away from the New Year. A formidable destination for Yasar, and one that will resurface a history best left forgotten, on a night that can change it all. Pain, responsibility, decision and courage get Yasar through the night in her hotel room where communication becomes hope for everyone involved. What will happen when an old friend is forced to give Yasar a great responsibility she may be unable to handle, or when a disturbed and powerful fan decides to change his life by meeting his obsession face to face, or when a disheartened husband makes a drastic decision to end his pain and set his wife free? The actions of one young man will bring these characters together and force them to communicate firstly with themselves, and then with each other, and only some will survive

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