The best Tony Huston’s tv movie movies

Tony Huston

Tony Huston

20/11/1937 (86 años)
Today we present the best Tony Huston’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Tony Huston’s movies.

The Eye Creatures

The Eye Creatures
Alien "eye" creatures invade a small town in this uncredited remake of "Invasion of the Saucer Men".

Curse of the Swamp Creature

Curse of the Swamp Creature
A mad scientist is conducting experiments with evolution on the locals deep in the rural swamps of Texas.

Zontar: The Thing from Venus

Zontar: The Thing from Venus
A misguided scientist enables an alien from Venus named Zontar to come to earth in order to help solve man's problems...

Mars Needs Women

Mars Needs Women
Tommy Kirk leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Kirk proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his first conquests turns out to be sexy scientist Yvonne Craig.

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