The best Séphora Haymann’s movies

Séphora Haymann

Séphora Haymann

Today we present the best Séphora Haymann’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Séphora Haymann’s movies.

Mr. Stein Goes Online

Mr. Stein Goes Online
Pierre, widowed and retired, has not been out of his house for two years. He discovers the joys of the internet thanks to Alex, a young man hired by his daughter to teach him the basics of computer science. On a meeting place, a charming young woman, Flora63, seduced by the romanticism of Pierre, offers her a first date. Lovers, Pierre is back. But on his profile he put a picture of Alex and not his own. Pierre must convince the young man to meet Flora in his place


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 03/09/2014
  • Character: Infirmière hôpital 2
Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, his father is all but present, and his co-junior partner, a foreign doctor, is far more experimented than he is. This internship will force Benjamin to confront his limits… and start his way to adulthood.

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