The best Ronnie Quizon’s action movies

Ronnie Quizon

Ronnie Quizon

Today we present the best Ronnie Quizon’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Ronnie Quizon’s movies.

El Presidente

El Presidente
The film begins with his capture by Philippine and US forces under Frederick Funston's command in 1901, then flashes back to 1886, when an old woman gives Aguinaldo and his childhood friend Candido Tirona cryptic prophecies. Ten years later, Aguinaldo is inducted into the Katipunan and later assumes leadership of its Cavite chapter while becoming mayor of Cavite El Viejo. When the trouble breaks out in Manila in late August 1896, Aguinaldo tries to assure the Spanish provincial government of non-interference and covertly marshals his forces despite a lack of weapons. Learning that the Spanish mostly put their forces in Manila, Aguinaldo finally mobilizes his troops and take the command of the Katipunan forces in Cavite

Isang Araw Walang Diyos

Isang Araw Walang Diyos
A cult called Wakwak headed by Papa Mundo is ready to kill and be killed to fight for their beliefs. It is a religious battle for their leader, clad in priest's robes, who they believe has supernatural powers to extinguish life out of anyone. Outnumbered, Lt. Cary Altamonte's group fights for the safety of the civilians. The situation unfolds in a battle of faith.

Jumping Over Thorns

Jumping Over Thorns
Luksong Tinik shows how Beth Pineda, a loving single mother involved in illegal activities as courier for a fake passport syndicate, is dragged into a media frenzy. She gets caught between the truth, too much deadly information and the manipulative media. Like the game of luksong tinik (jumping over thorns), her situation becomes more dangerous as the leaps get higher.

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