The best Robert Levin’s movies

Robert Levin

Robert Levin

Today we present the best Robert Levin’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Robert Levin’s movies.

Book Hunters

Book Hunters
When chaos reigns, while barbaric and fanatical rulers, both ecclesiastical and secular, systematically burn entire libraries, book hunters, secret heroes of history, travel the world saving and copying texts, threatened by the madness of censors, with the noble purpose of preventing the ultimate loss of human knowledge.

So Broad and Big: The Nature of Otto Modersohn

So Broad and Big: The Nature of Otto Modersohn
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release: 15/12/2016
  • Character: Otto Modersohn (voice)
Already as a student of the Art Academy in Dusseldorf, Otto Modersohn, born in 1865, rebelled against the teachings of his professors and placed his own natural philosophy at the center of his artistic work. He declared himself a landscape painter. His unmistakable style testifies to simplicity and inwardness. In Teufelsmoor in northern Germany, he finally founded the artists' colony Worpswede, where his work reached its peak.

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