The best Raine Maida’s movies

Raine Maida

Raine Maida

18/02/1970 (54 años)
We present our ranking of the best Raine Maida’s movies. Do you love cinema? Or are you looking for a movie of your favorite actor to watch tonight? Surely you have some to see or that you did not know yet about Raine Maida.

Lennon or McCartney

Lennon or McCartney
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?

I'm Going to Break Your Heart

I'm Going to Break Your Heart
The long creative and romantic relationship between Canadian musicians Chantal Kreviazuk and Raine Maida is explored in this profile filmed on France's Saint Pierre et Miquelon island.

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