The best Peter Glossop’s movies

Peter Glossop

Peter Glossop

Today we present the best Peter Glossop’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Peter Glossop’s movies.

Billy Budd

Billy Budd
  • Genre: Music
  • Release: 11/12/1966
  • Character: Billy Budd
Britten's opera adapted to screen.


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 21/05/1973
  • Character: Jago
Herbert von Karajan directed this film of Verdi’s Shakespearan masterpiece as well as conducting the Berlin Philharmonic. As the tragic Moor of Venice, arguably his greatest role, John Vickers (in the words of critic David Cairns) "commands both the notes and the moral grandeur of the part. … And he has the aura of greatness – greatness of heart, of bearing, of musical and dramatic conception". Mirella Freni is a heartbreakingly lovely and fragile Desdemona, while the fine English baritone Peter Glossop plays the villainous Jago.

Cavalleria rusticana / Pagliacci

Cavalleria rusticana / Pagliacci
  • Genre: Music
  • Release: 01/01/1968
  • Character: Tonio
Opera's most popular double bill, fondly known as Cav and Pag, can be a tawdry mess or, as in this performance of Pagliacci, a searing experience. Its power derives from an all-star cast headed by tenor Jon Vickers in the double role of betrayed husband, Canio, and tragic clown, Pagliacci. He’s a singer who blurred the division between reality and stage illusion in every role he assumed, thus taking an opera about that thin line between real life and stage artifice to heightened levels of intensity. Vickers is a force of nature, his big, brawny voice suffused with emotion. Here, his phrasing, textual precision, and timbral colorations expand the scope of the opera, making a moving tragedy out of Leoncavallo’s verismo melodrama.

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