The best Nobutoshi Kanna’s movies

Nobutoshi Kanna

Nobutoshi Kanna

Today we present the best Nobutoshi Kanna’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Nobutoshi Kanna’s movies.

Initial D Battle Stage

Initial D Battle Stage

Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni

Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni
When a powerful new Makamou attacks and defeats Hibiki, Asumu dives into Takeshi’s history and discovers a book that details the ancient Oni and a boy sharing his name. As he reads on, he learns of the tensions between humans and Oni as they struggle to stop the Orochi Makamou, but will he discover the key to defeating the new Orochi in the present?

Blue Gender: The Warrior

Blue Gender: The Warrior
It is a time of chaos. Earth is no longer what it used to be. It has been infested with a bug like species called the Blue. Yuji Kaido, who has a mysterious disease, is put into suspended animation until a cure is found. When he wakes up Yuji learns that its been more than 20 years since he was put into suspended animation, and the world is now controled by these creatures. He joins a group of soldiers equipped with powerful mechas to fight against the Blue for hope of a better future.

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