The best Mike Jittlov’s movies

Mike Jittlov

Mike Jittlov

Today we present the best Mike Jittlov’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Mike Jittlov’s movies.

The Wizard of Speed and Time

The Wizard of Speed and Time
A Hollywood filmmaker (Mike Jittlov) makes a short for an evil film studio. Unbeknownst to him, the producer has placed a bet of $25,000 that he won't come up with anything with a use. Luckily, our film creator gets the help of his friends.

Mouse Mania

Mouse Mania
  • Genre: Animation
  • Release: 29/11/1978
  • Character: Mike Jittlov
Originally created for the Disney TV special "Mickey's 50th". Mike Jittlov goes to see psychiatrist Ekim Jittlov, but instead sees a bunch of stop-motion Disney memorabilia.

The Collector

The Collector
  • Genre: Animation
  • Release: 19/11/1978
  • Character: Mike Jittlov
A man with a vast Mickey Mouse collection gets ready for work

The Rat Race

The Rat Race
  • Genre: Animation
  • Release: 19/11/1978
  • Character: Mike Jittlov
A man tries to catch a Mickey Mouse toy while at work

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