The best Michael Filipowich’s drama movies on Google Play Movies

Michael Filipowich

Michael Filipowich

We present our ranking of the best Michael Filipowich’s movies. Do you love cinema? Or are you looking for a movie of your favorite actor to watch tonight? Surely you have some to see or that you did not know yet about Michael Filipowich.

It Stains the Sands Red

It Stains the Sands Red
In the throes of a zombie apocalypse, a troubled woman from Las Vegas with a dark past, finds herself stranded in the desert with a lone and ravenous zombie on her tail.


When a nuclear strike causes an electromagnetic pulse that cuts off all power, water, and communication to the entire western United States, Reese finds herself plunged into an all-too-real fight to survive. As pandemonium grips her city, Reese and her father set out on a desperate journey in search of safety--a perilous trek through a world gone mad where every encounter with a stranger could be your last.

The Hunt for the BTK Killer

The Hunt for the BTK Killer
After 31 years at-large, detectives in Wichita, Kansas hone in on the serial killer known as BTK.

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