The best Marinko Prga’s adventure movies

Marinko Prga

Marinko Prga

01/01/1971 (53 años)
Today we present the best Marinko Prga’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Marinko Prga’s movies.


A fairy tale set in the bucolic countryside of Central Europe at the turn of the 20th century. Anka, an orphan girl, bravely sets off in the pursuit of a home, facing the hardships of life, and ultimately finds her place with the help of a magical world and its mysterious creatures.

National Hero Lily Vidic

National Hero Lily Vidic
This comedy of the absurd is set in the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. The hero, Ljiljan is a young peasant poet who joins the Partisan movement just before it falls apart, abandoned by its leader Tito. The last remaining hope for resisting Nazism is to assassinate Hitler. Ljiljan’s task is to write a song that will allow his Partisan band to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the SS – by entering an SS talent show. If they win the competition, they will be invited to perform before Hitler and the NDH’s high command. This is a satirical coming-of-age tale with a difference, capturing the craziness, comedy and horror of war in the Balkans.

When the Dead Start Singing

When the Dead Start Singing
At the beginning of 1990s, two Croatian emigrants, economically minded Cinco and politically minded Marinko, arrive in Croatia from Germany, homesick for their families and hometowns. In order to get a German pension, Cinco pretends to be dead and travels in a coffin. Soon, Marinko joins him because he is running away from an old agent of the Yugoslav State Security Service. On their trip in a motor hearse, Cinco and Marinko face many adventures, which culminate when they are stopped at Serbian barricades close to their destination.

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