The best Manos Katrakis’s romance movies

Manos Katrakis

Manos Katrakis

14/08/1908- 02/09/1984
Today we present the best Manos Katrakis’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Manos Katrakis’s movies.

Τα χρόνια της θύελλας

Τα χρόνια της θύελλας
The years of the storm are Greek historical - dramatic - adventurous film of 1984, directed and directed by Giorgos Tzimas . Starring Michalis Stamatakis Katerina Koutroupida and Menelaos Daflos. Two fighters, cut up in the mountains, after the defeat of the Democratic Army in 1949, are trying to return to their homes.

Για την τιμή και τον έρωτα

Για την τιμή και τον έρωτα

Τι κι αν γεννήθηκα φτωχός

Τι κι αν γεννήθηκα φτωχός
  • Genre: DramaRomance
  • Release: 01/01/1967
  • Character: Mr. Razis

Ο Κατατρεγμένος

Ο Κατατρεγμένος

True Love

True Love
It is the third film in a row of the type that much later on was called "fustanella (Greek kilt)", following Gkolfo by Bachatoris (1914) and Astero by Gaziadis (1929). It is based on the successful theatrical play (rhyming pastoral romance) by Dimitrios Koromilas, who draws his inspiration from a poem by Giannis Zalokostas "I fell in love with a shepherdess". The setting is Greece, a rural country in the middle of the 19th century. A landlord, Mitros, gives Kroustallo a golden cross as a gift to show her his tender feelings. He doesn't know, however, that she is already in love with Liakos, a destitute young shepherd to whom Mitros owes his life - in the past he had saved him from drowning in the river. The cross around the neck of the shepherdess causes fights between the two men, while Mitros asks Kroustallo's hand from her mother, Mrs. Stathaina, who had been his childhood love.


Young Antinoos is on vacation on an island where he meets a seductive woman, Eva, who is having a miserable time with her middle-aged husband, Alekos. Eva is attracted to Antinoos, who is her missing part, but at the same time, she feels guilty and tries to suppress her passion.

Μαζί σου για πάντα

Μαζί σου για πάντα

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