The best Luca Ward’s history movies

Luca Ward

Luca Ward

31/07/1960 (63 años)
Today we present the best Luca Ward’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Luca Ward’s movies.

The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse
While Emperor Domitian persecutes the Christians, the aged apostle John has prophetic visions.

Corto Maltese in Siberia

Corto Maltese in Siberia
At the end of 1918 while civil war is raging on in Russia, antagonism is slowly spreading to the East, between the Oral mountains and Shanghai. Stuck between a desire to save what's left of the great Imperial Russia, and starting from a clean slate, old generals, secret organizations, and mercenaries attracted by gold, struggle to take advantage of the events. As Corto Maltese returns to Shanghai, he barely gets time to cross paths with his old friend/nemesis Rasputin, and escape a murder attempt before being contacted by members of a Chinese secret organization called "The Red Lanterns". In the heart of violent Manchurian horizons, Corto and Rasputin launch themselves into a fabulous treasure hunt, following the tracks of the mysterious armor-plated train of Kolchak. A steel monster spiked with canons and machine guns, this trains protects the counter-revolutionaries gold...

Walt Disney e l'Italia - Una storia d'amore

Walt Disney e l'Italia - Una storia d'amore

Stolen Kisses: Homosexual Love in Fascist Italy

Stolen Kisses: Homosexual Love in Fascist Italy
Through letters, diaries and personal testimonies, an account of the complexity and variety of experiences of LGBT Italians during the Fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini (1922-43); intimate words that contrast with the lyrics of popular songs and the propaganda of the time, obsessed with extolling the myths of virility, femininity and motherhood and constrained by sexual repression.

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