The best Kirsten Rolffes’s comedy movies

Kirsten Rolffes

Kirsten Rolffes

20/09/1928- 10/04/2000
Today we present the best Kirsten Rolffes’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Kirsten Rolffes’s movies.

Rubber Tarzan

Rubber Tarzan
  • Genre: ComedyFamily
  • Release: 15/10/1981
  • Character: Dog Lady
Ivan is a very lonely 8 year boy who is bullied almost every day in school. Even his father taunts him because Ivan litteraly is a weakling (That should explain the title Rubber Tarzan). As a result of this Ivan spends a lot of his time on daydreaming until he meets a kind of kindred spirit - the friendly and lonely crane driver Ole.


  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 07/12/1990
  • Character: Sygeplejerske
Farcial action fun with Bertil and Hugo, who do menial jobs at a big city hotel. Bertil is about to marry and has put money aside for his bride's morning gift. Only Hugo has kind of borrowed the money and blown it all on a wrong bet in a pigeon race. Together, they obviously have to get rich quick. When a diamond seems to be lying around for the taking, the hotel is virtually on its head.

Sidste akt

Sidste akt
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 23/01/1987

Otto Is a Rhino

Otto Is a Rhino
  • Genre: ComedyFamily
  • Release: 25/03/1983
  • Character: Fru Flora
The boy Topper is bored. He finds a pencil that proves to have magical powers. Draw a rhino, and right away, you have a real rhino for a companion. A little heavy perhaps, when you live on the second floor. No matter, it's a modern fairy-tale of the baroque, and everything goes. Based on kiddie entertainment by Ole Lund Kirkegaard, but as was the case with the book, the fun is to be enjoyed by one and all.

Walter and Carlo, Part II, Yes, It's Daddy

Walter and Carlo, Part II, Yes, It's Daddy
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 28/11/1986
  • Character: Viola van Heimwee
Coffee has been outlawed and an organization of retired people smuggle coffee from the Swedish mafia, while Walter pursues his new love interest and Carlo deals with a midlife crisis after being dumped by his girlfriend.

Watch Your Back, Professor!

Watch Your Back, Professor!
  • Genre: ComedyCrime
  • Release: 19/08/1977
  • Character: Sekretær på Slavisk Institut
When a boring collage professor is mistaken for his cousin, he gets into all kinds of trouble, with hilarious results.

Pigen og drømmeslottet

Pigen og drømmeslottet
Siden hun var barn, har pigen Tine drømt om det smukke slot, hendes elskede tante er nabo til. Hun forelsker sig også i slottets unge ejer, Karsten, og han gengælder hendes følelser, selvom han længe har sørget over tabet af en kæreste. Denne kæreste viser sig imidlertid slet ikke at være død. I virkeligheden er dette en del af et komplot, som skal franarre Karsten hans ejendom ved at udnytte hans økonomiske problemer.

Walter and Carlo - Up on Daddy's Hat

Walter and Carlo - Up on Daddy's Hat
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 29/11/1985
  • Character: Viola van Heimwee (Walters mor)
Walter's a handsome airline steward who catches the eye of Inge, winner of Malaga's Miss Moonlight contest. Carlo is a motor-mouthed goof who has a "heel bar" (a combination shoe shop and tavern); his companion, Elly, is shooting a video of him. Inge discovers she's an unwitting smuggler, bringing diamonds into Denmark in the heel of a sandal she's won at the beauty contest.

The Great Day on the Beach

The Great Day on the Beach
  • Genre: ComedyFamily
  • Release: 27/09/1991
  • Character: Fru Frederiksen
It is the adult Gustav Adolf, who tells the story of the momentous day when he as a little boy with his father and mother and the whole staircase, went to the beach to enjoy the pleasures of bathing. We are in 1930s working-class neighborhood in Copenhagen. In a backyard apartment, we meet the little working-up of small Gustav Adolf (Benjamin Rothenborg Vibe) who has great respect for his father, Axel (Erik Clausen). Father has a very lively gab and is always ready to tell a story from her exciting life - often from the time he was on the big Argentine pampas.

Nøddebo præstegård

Nøddebo præstegård
Ny filmatisering af den klassiske danske julefortælling om studenten Nikolaj og hans to ældre brødre, der holder ferie hos den rare præstefamilie i Nøddebo. Præstens døtre Emmy og Andrea Margrethe interesserer i høj grad Nikolaj, men det bliver hans brødre, pigerne forloves med.

Elvis Hansen, en samfundshjælper

Elvis Hansen, en samfundshjælper
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 25/11/1988
  • Character: Putte von Porter

The Son from Vingaarden

The Son from Vingaarden
Vingården står foran nedrivning. Det er nu 30 år siden onkel Olsen døde og gården må efter 30 år sælges, hvis ingen i familien Martin ønsker at købe den. Da der ankommer en dansk-amerikaner til den lille by, sætter Jacobsen Nicoline til at undersøge den fremmedes værelse. Erik Hein, født Martin, forsøger at købe Vingården men forhindres. I stedet køber han Sophienberg. Eriks far har for mange år siden skrevet under på en tilståelse om underslæb mod Vingården. Erik tror på sin fars uskyld og får hjælp til at bevise farens uskyld af nogle af byens retskafne beboere.

I den grønne skov

I den grønne skov
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 29/03/1968

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