The best Kanjūrō Arashi’s drama movies

Kanjūrō Arashi

Kanjūrō Arashi

08/12/1903- 21/10/1980
Today we present the best Kanjūrō Arashi’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Kanjūrō Arashi’s movies.

Profound Desires of the Gods

Profound Desires of the Gods
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 22/11/1968
  • Character: Yamamori Futori
Tokyo engineer Kariya arrives on a primitive tropical island, where he interacts with the Futori clan, to drill a well to power a sugar mill.


  • Genre: DramaHorror
  • Release: 30/07/1960
  • Character: Enma
After a young theology student flees a hit-and-run accident, he is plagued by both his own guilt-ridden conscience and a mysterious, diabolical doppelgänger. But all possible escape routes lead straight to hell—literally!

Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese War

Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese War
Meiji Tenno portrayed the ramp up to the Russo-Japan War. In addition to showing the political events that led to war, it also showed the era from the story of a farm family in rural Japan who sent their son off to war. As such, it could be considered an anti-war movie, showing how, while war is devised by governments, the people do not really understand what war is, and it's combatants often do not know what they are fighting for.

Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo

Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo
With a price on his head, Ichi seeks tranquillity in a favorite village. Since his last visit, it has fallen prey to Boss Masagoro, the son of a merchant rumored to have stolen gold from the shogunate. The boss has hired Yojimbo as his hard-drinking enforcer, but Yojimbo is both a spy for the shogunate, trying to find the gold, and in love with the merchant's unwilling mistress, Umeno. Ichi hires on as the merchant's masseur and buys Umeno's freedom with his employer's own money. This embarrasses Yojimbo who withdraws from a pact with Ichi to stir up trouble between father and son and their gangs. As the two sides fight, Ichi finds the gold and sets up a final set of confrontations.

Dead Angle

Dead Angle
Elite college graduates commit perfect financial crimes though loopholes in the law during the 1950s.

Emperor Meiji and General Nogi

Emperor Meiji and General Nogi
In January 1904, the situation between Japan and Russia had grown tense. The Emperor Meiji is deeply concerned, for Russia has started to build an invincible fortress at Port Arthur, and the relations between two countries have become strained to breaking point. General Nogi has retired to the first reserve and is now a gentleman farmer, but he is prepared for sudden mobilization. Finally, Japan declares war against Russia and Emperor Meiji appoints General Nogi as the commander of the force to attack Port Arthur. However, in spite of several all-out attacks, the fortress is strong and the casualties increase among the Japanese. Because of these reverses, there are loud cries for a change in command. However, the Emperor places his confidence in General Nogi.


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 01/01/1972
  • Character: Moriyama
The young houseboy in Uta wakes up every night to patrol the house of a teacher with a flashlight. He leads an austere life of meditation and he focuses his devotional attention on writing inscriptions for tombstones.

Red Peony Gambler: Oryu's Return

Red Peony Gambler: Oryu's Return
  • Genre: ActionDrama
  • Release: 05/03/1970
  • Character: Teppokyu
Oryu searches for blind child she left behind and get involved in a Yakuza turf war that takes place in the Tokyo Theater.

Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony

Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony
  • Genre: ActionDrama
  • Release: 10/04/1969
  • Character: Yojiro Kawabe
The industrual revolution comes to Japan with the introduction of the railroad system. This led to clashes between boatmen, who livihoods are threatened, and the railroad construction workers. Oryu the Red Peony returns to her home in Kumamoto to accept her position as second generation leader of the Yano Family. But the ceremony is interrupted by fighting between local boatmen and railroad works. And it seems a rival family is pulling the strings behind the clashes.

Queen Bee and College Boy Ryu

Queen Bee and College Boy Ryu
  • Genre: CrimeDrama
  • Release: 01/09/1960
  • Character: Sennosuke Sakura
Japanese action film.

Abashiri Prison

Abashiri Prison
Abashiri Prison is located in the coldest place in Japan. Two men, handcuffed together have escaped from the prison, one a yakuza, the other a petty criminal, and although they hate each other they must work together if they are to evade capture in this harshest of climates.


The vassals of the Asano clan, who surrendered the castle & became wanderers, deceive the enemy and the public, wait for an opportunity to avenge their master and his family.

Red Peony Gambler: Here to Kill You

Red Peony Gambler: Here to Kill You
  • Genre: ActionDrama
  • Release: 01/06/1971
  • Character: Hidegoro Omaeda
The seventh chapter of the stunning Hibotan Bakuto series. Many years have passed since Oryu the Red Peony began her soul-searching journey after her father was killed. In her travels, she meets villagers whose crops and livelihoods are being destroyed by pollution from a local factory. They seem to work out an agreement, but Oryu must help the poor villagers when the greedy factory owner and corrupt politicians betray them…

Modern Lady Gambler

Modern Lady Gambler
Fujiko wanders aimlessly through the country, seeking vengence on the man she onced loved, who betrayed her, and destroying her family and her life. When she discovers that man had already died, she loses her will to live. But in a twist of fate, she meets Tatsumi, a raising star in the Horikawa Family. She quickly falls in love with him and his yakuza lifstyle. But when Tatsumi is chosen to but the next Boss of the family, his jealous sworn brother Morito kills him with the help of a mysterious man behind the scenes. Now Fujiko becomes a Bakuto, a wandering yakuza gambler, and once again, walks the bloody path of vengence...

Showdown at Nagasaki

Showdown at Nagasaki
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 17/09/1969
  • Character: Shinkichi Hirata
When Keiji Takama returns to Nagasaki, he finds many changes. The rights of the entertainment field that had been held by his family have been taken over by the Matsui Group, a new gangster setup. So he becomes head of the Takama Group to regain lost territory. With the cooperation of all the Bosses from Tokyo to Nagasaki, who had known his father, Keiji recovers the rights to put on shows at the City Hall. As he had feared, however, Matsui begins to interfere with his plans. Keiji's men are furious, but he knows better than to take up the cudgels with Matsui at this important time. Whatever Matsui does, Keiji goes one better. Frustrated and bitter, Matsui calls in the help of Koiwa, a killer. Now, having tried his best to oust Keiji but finding that he is made of sterner stuff than he had counted on, he decides to have Koiwa do away with him for good.

Honno-Ji in Flames

Honno-Ji in Flames
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 11/09/1960
  • Character: Tokugawa Ieyasu
The plot is based on the novel "Akechi Samanosuke no Koi," the final work in a trilogy by Hiroshi Kato about the forced suicide of Oda Nobunaga at the temple Honnoji. Historically, the general Akechi Mitsuhide is credited with causing Nobunaga's downfall. Kato's novel focuses on Mitsuhide's nephew Samanosuke, who fought alongside his uncle during the assault on Honnoji.

Seventeen Ninja 2: The Great Battle

Seventeen Ninja 2: The Great Battle
In a Toei all-star effort, Matsukata Hiroki, Otomo Ryutaro, and Konoe Jushiro combine to create an exciting black and white sequel to the classic story of 17 Ninja, one of the most famous films from that noted studio. In the year 1651 the Kishu clan is about to rise against the Tokugawa shogunate using a stash of muskets being guarded by Jinza the leader of the Koga ninja. The Iga ninja are called upon to stop the revolt under the leadership of Hattori Hanzo setting off a spy versus spy battle of silent ninja stealth. Through all the turmoil, Shizaburo and Yuka have broken the taboo of ninja falling in love and strive to achieve the forbidden life of happiness that is denied to all members of the ninja class.


Japanese noir.

Revenge at Jorurizaka 2: Bloody Battle at Dawn

Revenge at Jorurizaka 2: Bloody Battle at Dawn
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 21/12/1955

Chivalrous Man: Junkyard of Life

Chivalrous Man: Junkyard of Life
End of the Taisho period. In the city of Kiryu, where the wind is constantly blowing, the heads of the yakuza families of Kanhasshu (eight Kanto provinces) were to raise funds for the construction of the Chuji Kunisada monument. Responsible for the fundraiser was Jokichi from the Asami family, but Matsugoro from the Kuromatsu family, who wanted to become the greatest boss of the Kanhasshu yakuza, is trying to take over the textile market that Jokichi controls and intercept the fundraiser.

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