The best José de Abreu’s movies

José de Abreu

José de Abreu

24/05/1946 (78 años)
Today we present the best José de Abreu’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best José de Abreu’s movies.

My Sweet Orange Tree

My Sweet Orange Tree
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 19/04/2013
  • Character: Portuga
Zezé is an 8 year old boy who, although a naughty boy, has a good heart. He leads a very modest life, due to the fact that his father has been unemployed for a long time, and has the habit of having long conversations with a sweet orange tree which is in his backyard. Until one day he meets Portuga, a man who begins to help him and soon becomes his best friend.

E Aí... Comeu?

E Aí... Comeu?
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 22/06/2012
  • Character: Marrone
The real first comedy about love.

Time and the Wind

Time and the Wind
Based on Érico Verissimo's literary trilogy, The Time and the Wind follows 150 years of the Terra Cambará family and their opponents, the Amaral family. The struggles between the two families begin in the missions and lasts until the end of the 19th century. The film also features the period of formation of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the dispute of territory between the Portuguese and Spanish crowns.


Movie director in his forties and in existential crisis falls in love with an unknown teen girl he sees walking down the streets, without knowing she's the daughter of the woman he's having a relationship with.

Our Children

Our Children
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 09/12/2019
Vera, who fought in the armed left-wing movements against the Brazilian military dictatorship, has lived in multiple South American countries. Her daughter Tânica has been married to another woman for fifteen years, and they're about to have their first child.

Luz Del Fuego

Luz Del Fuego
  • Genre: ComedyDrama
  • Release: 05/04/1982
  • Character: Mestre de cerimônias
Biography of a Brazilian dancer who lived on an island and practiced nudism when it was forbidden by law.

Guerra de Canudos

Guerra de Canudos
  • Genre: DramaHistoryWar
  • Release: 03/10/1997
  • Character: General Arthur Oscar de Andrade Guimarães
At the end of the 19th century, a poor family comes to the rural Canudos, a community led by Antônio Conselheiro, seen by many as a holy prophet. Their ways bother the powerful people of the region, and the newly founded Republic sends their army to destroy the settlement, which culminates in one of the bloodiest wars in the history of Brazil.

O Menino da Porteira

O Menino da Porteira
  • Genre: DramaWestern
  • Release: 06/03/2009
  • Character: Major Batista

Mauá - O Imperador e o Rei

Mauá - O Imperador e o Rei
A movie about a Brazilian entrepreneur who rivalled American's richest man at his time, well-known Rockfeller. Irineu Evangelista de Souza in 1867 had $155.000 contos de reis, meanwhile the Brazilian Governement annual budget was 97.000 contos de reis. The movie shows his life from poverty to riches and back to poverty again, as is common in Brazil, rich people die poor.


The real story of Carlos Lamarca, a captain who, during the military dictatorship in Brazil, deserted Brazilian Army and got involved in left-wing guerilla groups, becoming one of their most prominent leaders.

Luzia Homem

Luzia Homem
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 05/05/1988
  • Character: Raulino
After witnessing the assassination of her parents, Luzia is raised by a cowboy and starts behaving like the men of Brazilian "Sertão". As a grown-up, she sets out to find her parent's murderer, but ends up discovering love.

O Casamento dos Trapalhões

O Casamento dos Trapalhões
  • Genre: ComedyFamily
  • Release: 04/10/1988
  • Character: Expedito
A misogynist and shabby farmer, brother of other three goofy hillbillies leaves to the big city searching for a wife and wins the heart of a hot tempered woman.

Antes Que Eu Me Esqueça

Antes Que Eu Me Esqueça
  • Genre: DramaFamily
  • Release: 04/08/2017
  • Character: Polidóro
At 80, Polidoro decides to demolish the stability of his comfortable life as a retired judge and become owner of a strip club.

Manobra Radical

Manobra Radical

Aconteceu, virou Manchete! A História da Rede Manchete

Aconteceu, virou Manchete! A História da Rede Manchete
  • Release: 14/01/2013
  • Character: José de Abreu

O Mentiroso

O Mentiroso
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 02/01/1988
The friendship between four men is at stake when one of them is invited to work in another city. But the other three decide to go along.

Muda Brasil

Muda Brasil

Olhos Livres

Olhos Livres
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release: 22/08/2021
  • Character: arquivo


  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release: 21/11/2008
  • Character: Adão Ramalho
In a small country town in the south of Brazil, the daughter of a wealthy farmer is brutally raped and left for dead near a river. Miguel arrives in Rio and starts following Carol, an upper-class young girl, while himself is being followed by Luciano. When Miguel starts going out with Carol, his purpose becomes more clear, putting in motion events which relate to the rape.

Rádio Pirata

Rádio Pirata
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Release: 01/01/1987
  • Character: Jorge
A couple is charged with murdering a friend after discovering fraud at a data-processing center. They hide in a van, where they set up a clandestine station, seeking to mobilize public opinion.

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