The best Hasnul Rahmat’s horror movies

Hasnul Rahmat

Hasnul Rahmat

Today we present the best Hasnul Rahmat’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Hasnul Rahmat’s movies.


This story starts in a cemetery where Muzir is betrayed by Hasbi who wins over Muzir's wife. Hasbi is to be jailed for life. In prison, Muzir desires revenge, so he learns black magic from a dying warden who helps him escape by erasing the holy words that are emblazoned all around.


In a case that had the nation riveted and human rights organizations the world over up in arms due to the death sentence handed out to the accused, comes a tale about the lure of riches, power, eternal youth, beauty and the blood one must spill to achieve this.

Seram Sejuk

Seram Sejuk
story of a rock singer who want to produce a music video of his own but does not have the budget for it. At the same time, Saiful, an editor in his late 20's, is harbouring a secret crush towards his female colleague named Ros. Saiful becomes jealous when his boss, Che Wan, also becomes interested in Ros. Strange events begin happening when Saiful finds a mysterious necklace. Ros becomes possessed when she rejects Saiful's attempts to give her the necklace, while the other workers are disturbed by the evil powers of the necklace...

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