The best Étienne O'Leary’s movies

Étienne O'Leary

Étienne O'Leary

24/10/1944- 17/10/2011
Today we present the best Étienne O'Leary’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Étienne O'Leary’s movies.

Visa de censure n° X

Visa de censure n° X
  • Release: 26/06/1976
Shot in 1967 but not released until 1975, actor Pierre Clémenti’s acid-infused experimental whirlwind of colour and music featuring a who’s who of the French 60s underground.

Destroy Yourselves

Destroy Yourselves
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 10/05/1969
Detruisez-vous is a ‘primitive’ film which breaks all the rules of film-making. It’s the first Zanzibar film (and predates the very naming of the movement), an attempt to make a film which defies the rules of production, the production line of commerce

Sun Love

Sun Love
  • Release: 07/07/1967
A Happening in homage to LSD.

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