The best Edwerd’s romance movies



15/04/1972 (52 años)
Today we present the best Edwerd’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Edwerd’s movies.

She Made Me a Criminal

She Made Me a Criminal
The movie is about a very naive young man, who wants to fix his house before it falls, but does not have the money, and rich girl who likes to spend money uncontrollably, whose father is scrooge, who would not give her access to her trust fund. In order to force her father to give her money, she stages a kidnapping with the assistance of her best friend and the naive young man, who ends up falling in love with her.

Fe Mahatit Masr

Fe Mahatit Masr
A young girl seeks help in a stranger to convince her strict father she got married in secret so as not to be forced into and arranged marriage

كلام في الحب

كلام في الحب


The film revolves around a romantic romantic comedy in which Doctor Hazem (Ahmed El Sakka), a gynecologist who is concerned with his unique decorator (Dora), is stunned by his inability to conceive and has to resort to vaginal injection.

The Player

The Player
Hazem is a spoilt young man and a womaniser who takes advantage of his father's wealth to know more and more girls and stays away of commitment. When his father discovers what Hazem is doing, he starts to look for an appropriate wife for his son. Salma, is the lucky candidate who is desperately trying to change her husband's behaviour.

Where's My Heart?

Where's My Heart?
A man who married from the women he loved, yet after marriage somewhere in his heart his old love is still alive and beating, to live in a struggle between both of them.

Live Your Life

Live Your Life
Ibrahim is a creative advertising professional who is extremely boring and reserved. As he embarks on a journey to win over his son who seems to prefer his stepfather, Ibrahim seizes the chance when he goes on a business trip to film an ad campaign titled “live your life!" to get close to his son.

Love Station

Love Station
Single coworkers at a radio station are brought together by mutual friends, but their starry-eyed notions about love may scuttle their romance.

I Am Not With Them

I Am Not With Them
يتناول الفيلم قصة شاب يدرس في كلية الطب يعيش هو وأصدقائه حياة مستهتره بين تعاطي المخدرات وأهمال الدراسة, ثم يقع في حب فتاة محجبة متدينه تقود مظاهرات فيحاول التودد إليها فيشترك في المظاهرات ويتدين حتي تتم خطبتهم وبعد ذلك تكتشف حقيقته أنه يتظاهر بالتدين فقط فتقرر ان تفترق عنه وتتابع نشاطها إلى ان تكون فريسة منظمة ارهابية, ولكن ينجح أحمد عيد خطيبها السابق في انقاذها وبعد ذلك تصاب بحالة انهيار وتسقط المعايير امامها وتنقلب حياتها فتخلع الحجاب وتتحول إلى شخصية اخري وتحاول أن تعود إلى خطيبها ظنا انها كانت مخطئة وان حياة خطيبها المستهترة هي الطريق الصحيح للحياة ولكنها تجده قد تدين ويرفض الحالة التي تعيشها بعد خلع حجابها وفى النهاية ترجع وترتدي الحجاب وتذهب لتشجع منتخب مصر في مبارة كرة القدم فيشاركها التشجيع في المباراة ويختتم الفيلم بزواجهما.


Yearning to get back with Ehab, Salma finds her loveless marriage, his devastating secret, and society’s opinions stand in their way.

The Academy

The Academy
The film revolves around a private academy in which young people are divided into "Cheltenham" and there are conflicts between them that the president of the Academy is trying to solve

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