The best Dani Thompson’s movies on Google Play Movies

Dani Thompson

Dani Thompson

Today we present the best Dani Thompson’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Dani Thompson’s movies.

Cute Little Buggers

Cute Little Buggers
From the Director of 'DEADTIME' and 'Crying Wolf' comes Cute Little Buggers! Will you let them take our women? It's Gremlins meets Hot Fuzz set in the English countryside. When hostile aliens crash land on local farmland the villagers at the summer ball get suspicious when young women start going missing. The villagers soon band together around our hero Melchoir to fend off the invaders and bring back peace to the sleepy English countryside! B-movie laughs in this creature feature from Director Tony Jopia.


  • Genre: ComedyHorror
  • Release: 02/03/2020
  • Character: Jasmine Sands
The guys on Level 6 like to work hard, and party harder, that means the best booze, the finest drugs and hottest women money can buy. Unfortunately for them the Strippers they've just hired have come with an unwanted guest. Jacob, Jakushi, the infamous 'Stripper Ripper' who has a taste for exotic dancers he has these girls in his sights and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. It's now Strippers VS Serial Killer as they fight to survive the office party from hell.

Female Zombie Riot

Female Zombie Riot
  • Release: 17/10/2016
  • Character: Zara
Following the release of Zombie Women of Satan, the movie about the events of the first film, Pervo's career hasn't quite gone to plan. Shunned and unwanted, he's a fading star. But not to be defeated, he returns to this sequel with a new manager, a trusty bodyguard and the beautiful actress Dahlia Von Rose as they tour the country promoting their new movie. With things looking bleak though, it seems Pervo's fifteen minutes of fame are just about over. However, a chance encounter with a mystery millionaire could turn all their fortunes around. But is it a chance encounter? Or a diabolical revenge plot? Lured to a party at an enormous mansion, all is going well until those zombie women escape and end up running wild.


  • Genre: Horror
  • Release: 21/01/2018
  • Character: Landlady Pam
An atmospheric slasher horror movie based in North Yorkshire. A survival experience group clash with a farmer set on revenge, as they wade into his land not knowing what awaits them and their team members.

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