The best Carolyn Backhouse’s movies

Carolyn Backhouse

Carolyn Backhouse

Today we present the best Carolyn Backhouse’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Carolyn Backhouse’s movies.
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  • Genre: ComedyMystery
  • Release: 27/07/2006
  • Character: Vivian's Mother
An American journalism student in London scoops a big story, and begins an affair with an aristocrat as the incident unfurls.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Release: 13/05/1991
  • Character: Nicole, Roger's Mistress
The Swashbuckling legend of Robin Hood unfolds in the 12th century when the mighty Normans ruled England with an iron fist.

A Short Film About John Bolton

A Short Film About John Bolton
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release: 24/01/2003
  • Character: Carolyn Dalgleish
A Short Film About John Bolton is a darkly hip and hilarious film explores the question that torments artists of every medium: "Where do your ideas come from?" Renowned artist John Bolton's paintings of voluptuous she-vampire nudes have earned this quiet eccentric a reputation for having a "damaged imagination." BBC radio personality Jonathan Ross buys his pieces, which leads interviewer extraordinaire Marcus Brigstocke to find out what the appeal is in Bolton's beautiful (but terrifying) artwork. Why does Bolton demand that his gallery "monsterpieces" speak for themselves? What does he do with that ornamental knife that he carries everywhere? Will Marcus ever learn how to operate the camera?

Us and Them

Us and Them
Working class Danny aims to kick start a revolution by turning the tables on the establishment with a deadly game of chance.

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