The best Andrea Tidona’s crime movies

Andrea Tidona

Andrea Tidona

Today we present the best Andrea Tidona’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Andrea Tidona’s movies.

Excellent Cadavers

Excellent Cadavers
Palermo, Sicily, 1984. Examining magistrate Giovanni Falcone allies with Tomasso Buscetta, a former mobster, to defeat the clan of Corleone, the ruthless Mafia faction that rules Cosa Nostra with an iron hand, cruelly eliminating all those who dare to oppose its immense power: other criminals, policemen, judges, even innocent civilians. One of them wants revenge, the other wants justice. But only one can survive such an unequal fight.

Il delitto Mattarella

Il delitto Mattarella
January 6, 1980. The President of the Sicilian Region Piersanti Mattarella is going to Mass with his family. A young man approaches the car window and shoots Piersanti in cold blood and kills him. Despite the confusion of the moment with a series of misdirections towards left-wing terrorism, the crime appeared anomalous in its modalities. The young Deputy Prosecutor on duty, that day of the Epiphany, will be Pietro Grasso, future Anti-Mafia Prosecutor and President of the Senate. The investigations will be continued by the Instructor Judge Giovanni Falcone, who will uncover dangerous relationships between the Mafia, Politics, Nar and neo-fascists, the Magliana gang, Gladio and Secret Services.

Il Giovane Montalbano

Il Giovane Montalbano
  • Genre: CrimeMystery
  • Release: 23/02/2012
  • Character: Carmine Fazio

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