The best Ambrogio Colombo’s movies

Ambrogio Colombo

Ambrogio Colombo

Today we present the best Ambrogio Colombo’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Ambrogio Colombo’s movies.

The Truth About La Dolce Vita

The Truth About La Dolce Vita
On October 20th, 1959, producer Giuseppe Amato is alone in a screening room, watching Federico Fellini's most famous movie. The working print is more than four-hour long. Fellini would not allow any cut, and distributor Angelo Rizzoli wants to drop the movie. It is the hardest moment in Giuseppe Amoto's long career.

I Lunes e la sfera di Lasifer

I Lunes e la sfera di Lasifer
  • Genre: Animation
  • Release: 10/09/2002
  • Character: Baamb

Gli Straspeed a Crazy World

Gli Straspeed a Crazy World

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